Rethinking Microfinance? Tune into the conversation about the future of impact investing with Jonathan Morduch, a co-author of “Portfolios of the Poor” and professor at New York University, known for his work in assessing microfinance's impact since the movement's early years.
Jonathan writes about the financial lives of low-income families and how they connect to poverty and inequality. He is the co-author of ''The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty'', and ''Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day''. Morduch is a founder of the Financial Access Initiative which aims to expand access to financial services for low-income individuals in developing countries through research.
Jonathan is also a speaker at the global webinar on October 6, 2022, dedicated to 25 years of impact with Cordaid. Twenty-five years ago, at the dawn of microfinance, Cordaid issued the first loan to an institution in Latin America. Over the years, we have invested in small-scale entrepreneurs and farmers in the most underserved regions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America through MFIs with a social mission. And at a global webinar, we are seeking to open a dialogue within the whole industry on how to advance inclusive finance in the future.